Join us for a unique Shabbat before the Sunday Conference that will bring together Jews and Christians, as we strategize about the fight to save America.

Our $360 JLC Shabbat Add-On includes:

  • Friday night services on the Upper West Side
  • A delicious Shabbat dinner
  • In-depth conversations with Tikvah leadership and leading Jewish and Christian intellectuals, including Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, Os Guinness, Ryan T. Anderson, Rabbi Mark Gottlieb, and Eric Cohen on topics such as: Restoring America’s Hebraic Founding, Challenges to Faith in America, and the Struggle to Defend Israel
  • A Friday night Oneg following dinner
  • Shabbat morning services and lecture
  • Kiddush luncheon with panel discussion
  • Seudah Shlishit and Havdala services

Due to security considerations, we will share the exact locations for the Shabbaton 2-4 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or concerns, please write to us at

The Shabbaton is now sold out!

Hotel Accomodations:

For the convenience of our guests, we have arranged discounted room rates at several local hotels.

  • The Empire Hotel is about a 10- minute walk from the Shabbat venue.
  • The Fairfield Inn and Suites is about a 15-20 minute walk from the Shabbat venue.
  • Ink 48 Hotel is about a 25-35 minute walk from the Shabbat venue.

For more information, please click here.